Friday, 7 December 2012

It sifts from Leaden Skies

I'm delighted to be among the contemporary poets whose work features in a new anthology of ice poems from Pighog Press.

'Seven Words for Winter' (a riff on the Greenlandic dictionary) can be found alongside 'Cold Fusion' by John McCullough (who has just won the Polari Prize for his wonderful collection The Frost Fairs) and 'Winter' by John Davies, as well as more traditional offerings from Christina Rossetti, John Keats, Charlotte Bronte and Emily Dickinson. I hadn't read the three wintry poems by Dickinson before, and they are a happy discovery:

'It sifts from Leaden Sieves -
It powders all the Wood.
It fills with Alabaster Wool
The Wrinkes of the Road -'

Pighog are offering a special postage-free deal for anyone buying the book before 1 January.
Full details here.

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