Here’s some summer poetry reading recommendations (with a narcissistic twist).
Two poems from my Greenlandic series have been accepted by The Rialto, one of my favourite magazines – notable for its glorious artwork (the exuberant cover to this issue is by Angie Lewin). You can buy The Rialto in all good bookshops, and here. From Norfolk to Melbourne, where How To Say ‘I Love You’ In Greenlandic features in Australian Poetry Journal 3.2 – this is a special full-colour edition of the journal devoted to Concrete poetry. I discovered several exciting new writers and artists in its pages. Another arctic poem ‘Fragment’ will appear in Magma 59, on the theme of breakages. Finally, an extract from my long poem The Course of Empire, set in Massachusetts, appears in Stravaig, the journal of the Scottish Centre for Geopoetics, edited by Elizabeth Rimmer. It is available online to all for free here.